SSPS student wins Link University Scholarship 2023

Zoe Cheong Lok-lam has long harboured a fervent desire to attend exchange programmes at an overseas university and make friends from all around the globe. She will use the scholarship to support her summer exchange programme.

Mr Nicholas Allen, Link’s Chairman, third from right, presents the scholarship to EdUHK awardees at the scholarship presentation ceremony on 2 March 2024. Professor Susanna Yeung Siu-sze, Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance) of EdUHK, is third from the left in the photo, while Zoe Cheong Lok-lam is on the far left.

Zoe Cheong Lok-lam, a first-year student of the Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) (BEd(BAFS)) offered by the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies (SSPS), together with four other first-year EdUHK students, have been awarded the Link University Scholarship 2023. In the company of Professor Susanna Yeung Siu-sze, Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance), the EdUHK students received the awards at the scholarship presentation ceremony on 2 March 2024.

The Link University Scholarship has been Link’s signature programme since 2015. The scholarship supports local youths who are the first amongst three generations in their families to attend university in Hong Kong. Freshmen, second to fourth year students from 11 local universities, including the eight University Grants Committee-funded universities and the three self-financing universities (Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Hang Seng University of Hong Kong), are eligible to apply. The judging panel decides on the scholarship recipients according to their academic performances as well as their participation in community services.

A total of 220 applicants from a wide range of academic disciplines and ethnicities received the scholarship this year, with each awardee receiving a scholarship of HK$20,000. Awardees can make use of the grant to realise their goals, make plans for improving their learning environment, and/or seeking further learning opportunities. They will be automatically included in the Link Scholars Alumni, through which Link will provide career counselling, corporate visits, volunteer activities as well as priority consideration for their internship programme.

SSPS student Zoe Cheong Lok-lam was awarded the scholarship for her outstanding academic and community service achievements. She has participated in a volunteer teaching programme since she commenced her studies at SSPS in 2023/24 academic year. “I teach mathematics at an educational NGO which provides free tutorials to under-privileged children with financial difficulties. I want to use what I have learnt at EdUHK to assist those in need, making a positive impact on society,” she said.

“It is extremely meaningful to me to receive this scholarship. I will use it to support my summer exchange programme. Long before I joined this University, I have already harboured a fervent desire to attend exchange programmes at an overseas university and make friends from all around the globe. Winning the Link University Scholarship would relieve my financial burden and help me achieve this long-cherished goal. I believe the exchange would become the most indelible memories of my university studies,” said Zoe.